accretion, accretion disks ------ astrochemistry ------ atomic data ------ atomic processes ------ elementary particles ------ gravitation ------ hydrodynamics ------ line: formation ------ line: identification ------ line: profiles ------ nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances ------ plasmas ------ radiation mechanisms: thermal ------ radiative transfer ------ scattering


space vehicles ------ instrumentation: adaptive optics ------ instrumentation: detectors ------ instrumentation: high angular resolution ------ instrumentation: interferometers ------ instrumentation: miscellaneous ------ instrumentation: photometers ------ instrumentation: spectrographs ------ methods: analytical ------ methods: data analysis ------ methods: laboratory ------ methods: miscellaneous ------ methods: n-body simulations ------ methods: numerical ------ methods: statistical ------ space vehicles: instruments ------ techniques: high angular resolution ------ techniques: image processing ------ techniques: interferometric ------ techniques: miscellaneous ------ techniques: photometric ------ techniques: radial velocities ------ techniques: spectroscopic ------ telescopes


astronomical data bases: ------ miscellaneous ------ atlases ------ catalogs ------ surveys ------


ephemerides ------ occultations ------ reference systems ------ time


Sun: atmosphere ------ Sun: general ------ Sun: helioseismology ------ Sun: interior ------ Sun: oscillations ------ Sun: rotation ------ Sun: X-rays, gamma rays


solar system: general


stars: abundances ------ stars: atmospheres ------ (stars:) binaries: eclipsing ------ (stars:) binaries: spectroscopic ------ (stars:) circumstellar matter ------ stars: distances ------ stars: dwarf novae ------ stars: emission-line, Be ------ stars: flare ------ stars: fundamental parameters ------ stars: kinematics ------ (stars:) novae, cataclysmic variables ------ stars: oscillations (including pulsations) ------ stars: spots ------ stars: statistics ------ (stars:) supernovae: general ------ (stars: variables:) Cepheids ------ stars: variables: other


ISM: abundances ------ ISM: atoms ------ (ISM:) dust, extinction ------ (ISM:) HII regions ------ ISM: lines and bands ------ ISM: molecules


Galaxy: formation


galaxies: clusters: general ------ galaxies: distances and redshifts ------ galaxies: fundamental parameters ------ galaxies: high-redshift ------ galaxies: photometry ------ (galaxies:) quasars: absorption lines ------ (galaxies:) quasars: emission lines


(cosmology:) cosmic microwave background ------ (cosmology:) cosmological parameters ------ cosmology: theory ------ (cosmology:) dark matter ------ (cosmology:) early universe ------ (cosmology:) large-scale structure of universe


infrared: general ------ infrared: ISM ------ radio continuum: general ------ radio lines: general ------ submillimeter ------ ultraviolet: general ------ X-rays: bursts ------ X-rays: diffuse background ------ X-rays: general


accretion, accretion disks

dusty solves the problem of radiation transport in a dusty environment


csenv A code for the chemistry of CircumStellar ENVelopes

atomic data

CHIANTI A Database for Astrophysical Emission Line Spectroscopy

atomic processes

CHIANTI A Database for Astrophysical Emission Line Spectroscopy
cloudy Stellar Atmospheres

elementary particles

cmbfast A microwave anisotropy code


AstroMD A Multi Dimensional visualization and analysis toolkit for astrophysics
gadget A code for collisionless and gasdynamical cosmological simulations


gadget A code for collisionless and gasdynamical cosmological simulations

line: formation

cloudy Stellar Atmospheres

line: identification

aspec An Astronomical Spectrum Analysis Package
cora line fitting tool designed for emission line spectra with low count numbers
guiapps IRAF GUIs

line: profiles

aspec An Astronomical Spectrum Analysis Package
cora line fitting tool designed for emission line spectra with low count numbers
guiapps IRAF GUIs

nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances

cmbfast A microwave anisotropy code


cloudy Stellar Atmospheres

radiation mechanisms: thermal

cloudy Stellar Atmospheres

radiative transfer

cloudy Stellar Atmospheres
ddscat DDSCAT is a FORTRAN program to calculate scattering and absorption of electromagnetic radiation by arbitrary targets


ddscat DDSCAT is a FORTRAN program to calculate scattering and absorption of electromagnetic radiation by arbitrary targets


space vehicles

stecf IRAF Tools for reduction and analysis of Hubble Space Telescope data
stsdas IRAF Tools for Hubble Space Telescope data reduction
tinytim HST PSF generator
xray Multi-mission x-ray analysis software system
xray missions -- list of missions and instruments supported by the xray package
ftools ascaray -- ASCA mirror ray tracing program
xray xtiming - timcor - scc_to_utc -- convert from ROSAT space-craft clock to UTC
xray xtiming - timcor - utc -- ROSAT spacecraft clock to universal time data points

instrumentation: adaptive optics

fftw Fastest Fourier Transform in the West.
mem0 IRAF Maximum Entropy image restoration tools
starfinder Stellar field analysis

instrumentation: detectors

audine CCD camera drivers (Audine and others)
gccd A ccd camera control program
kojac Kojac is Optics Java Applet Classes
mx5ccd MX5 ccd camera driver - kernel module
ftools ascaray -- ASCA mirror ray tracing program

instrumentation: high angular resolution

aips Radio Astronomy data processing package
mem0 IRAF Maximum Entropy image restoration tools
bima-miriad Miriad is a a synthesis radio-astronomy data reduction, imaging and analysis package
hipparcos process Hipparcos transit data from CD-ROM
stecf IRAF Tools for reduction and analysis of Hubble Space Telescope data
stsdas IRAF Tools for Hubble Space Telescope data reduction
tinytim HST PSF generator

instrumentation: interferometers

fftw Fastest Fourier Transform in the West.

instrumentation: miscellaneous

consky computes telescope times for sky observation projects.
ctio IRAF Tools for CTIO telescope data

instrumentation: photometers

iraf212 Image reduction and Analysis Facility
mxtools IRAF MX version of Quick and Dirty PHOTometry
skymaker A program that simulates astronomical images.
stecf IRAF Tools for reduction and analysis of Hubble Space Telescope data
stsdas IRAF Tools for Hubble Space Telescope data reduction

instrumentation: spectrographs

aspec An Astronomical Spectrum Analysis Package
cora line fitting tool designed for emission line spectra with low count numbers
iraf212 Image reduction and Analysis Facility
stecf IRAF Tools for reduction and analysis of Hubble Space Telescope data
stsdas IRAF Tools for Hubble Space Telescope data reduction

methods: analytical

kojac Kojac is Optics Java Applet Classes

methods: data analysis

BCR Cooperative Data Sharing library
cdf Common Data Format
cfitsio C library for read/write FITS format files
ds9 FITS data viewer
dx IBM OpenDX Data Explorer
ggobi GGobi is a data visualization system for viewing high-dimensional data
gsl GNU Scientific subroutine library
iraf212 Image reduction and Analysis Facility
karma Karma is a toolkit for interprocess communications, authentication, encryption, graphics display, user interface and manipulating the Karma network data structure
midas European Southern Observatory Munich Image Data Analysis System
ncarg NCAR graphics utilities and libraries
perl-lfa A collection of perl packages for Astronomy
python-lfa Astronomically Enhanced python
saoimage Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory image utility
starfinder Stellar field analysis
stecf IRAF Tools for reduction and analysis of Hubble Space Telescope data
stsdas IRAF Tools for Hubble Space Telescope data reduction
tables IRAF Tools for processing FITS table data

methods: laboratory

scilab Scientists mathematical toolbox

methods: miscellaneous

Dexter Dexter is a little java applet that is used by the ADS to let users extract data from figures on scanned images
fftw Fastest Fourier Transform in the West.
ggobi GGobi is a data visualization system for viewing high-dimensional data
tables IRAF Tools for processing FITS table data

methods: n-body simulations

AstroMD A Multi Dimensional visualization and analysis toolkit for astrophysics
dx IBM OpenDX Data Explorer
gadget A code for collisionless and gasdynamical cosmological simulations
nemo NEMO is a Stellar Dynamics Toolbox
partiview partiview is an advanced 4D-visualization tool
starlab A package for simulating the evolution of dense stellar systems
xstar N-body simulator

methods: numerical

fftw Fastest Fourier Transform in the West.
gsl GNU Scientific subroutine library
scilab Scientists mathematical toolbox

methods: statistical

gsl GNU Scientific subroutine library
ISIS An optimal image subtraction package
scilab Scientists mathematical toolbox

space vehicles: instruments

xray Multi-mission x-ray analysis software system

techniques: high angular resolution

hipparcos process Hipparcos transit data from CD-ROM
mem0 IRAF Maximum Entropy image restoration tools
tinytim HST PSF generator

techniques: image processing

color IRAF Tools for Color Image Display
ds9 FITS data viewer
dx IBM OpenDX Data Explorer
eclipse Astronomical image processing package
eis IRAF Tools for ESO imaging survey data
eye Eye stands for ``Enhance your Extraction'': a software for training SExtractor's retina
gipsy Groningen Image Processing System
guiapps IRAF GUIs
iraf212 Image reduction and Analysis Facility
ISIS An optimal image subtraction package
karma Karma is a toolkit for interprocess communications, authentication, encryption, graphics display, user interface and manipulating the Karma network data structure
mem0 IRAF Maximum Entropy image restoration tools
midas European Southern Observatory Munich Image Data Analysis System
stecf IRAF Tools for reduction and analysis of Hubble Space Telescope data
stsdas IRAF Tools for Hubble Space Telescope data reduction
stiff convert scientific FITS images to TIFF
swarp SWarp is a program that resamples and co-adds together FITS images using any arbitrary astrometric projection defined in the WCS standard.
xite X based Image processing Tools and Environment

techniques: interferometric

aips Radio Astronomy data processing package
bima-miriad Miriad is a a synthesis radio-astronomy data reduction, imaging and analysis package
mscred IRAF Tools for Mosaic image processing

techniques: miscellaneous

consky computes telescope times for sky observation projects.
vol IRAF Tools for manipulating and viewing 3d or in some cases 4d volume images

techniques: photometric

autophot Autophot uses IRAF's digiphot daophot routines, it automates the procedure a bit.
consky computes telescope times for sky observation projects.
eSTAR The eScience Telescopes for Astronomical Research (eSTAR) Project is a programme to build a prototype robotic telescope network
eye Eye stands for ``Enhance your Extraction'': a software for training SExtractor's retina
fitsutil IRAF FITS utilities
ftools FITS data processing package
funtools Funtools, is a minimal buy-in FITS library and utility package from the SAO/HEAD RDgroup.
ggobi GGobi is a data visualization system for viewing high-dimensional data
guiapps IRAF GUIs
ifocas IRAF Tools Faint Object Classification
midas European Southern Observatory Munich Image Data Analysis System
mxtools IRAF MX version of Quick and Dirty PHOTometry
sextractor Source Extractor, locates astronomical objects in images
skymaker A program that simulates astronomical images.
stecf IRAF Tools for reduction and analysis of Hubble Space Telescope data
stsdas IRAF Tools for Hubble Space Telescope data reduction

techniques: radial velocities

velocity program to fit an orbital solution to measured radial velocity curves of spectroscopic binary stars

techniques: spectroscopic

aspec An Astronomical Spectrum Analysis Package
CHIANTI A Database for Astrophysical Emission Line Spectroscopy
guiapps IRAF GUIs
spectrum A stellar spectral synthesis program


consky computes telescope times for sky observation projects.
cora line fitting tool designed for emission line spectra with low count numbers
ctio IRAF Tools for CTIO telescope data
drao Export package for processing DRAO telescope data
eis IRAF Tools for ESO imaging survey data
mscred IRAF Tools for Mosaic image processing
s4l Mel Bartels SCOPE telescope stepper controller program
stecf IRAF Tools for reduction and analysis of Hubble Space Telescope data
stsdas IRAF Tools for Hubble Space Telescope data reduction


astronomical data bases:

starbase Starbase Data Tables - An Ascii Relational Database for UNIX


CHIANTI A Database for Astrophysical Emission Line Spectroscopy
HDF The HDF software includes I/O libraries and tools for analyzing, visualizing, and converting scientific data
XDF Metadata tools
xsil XSIL means eXtensible Scientific Interchange Language.


starplot 3D star chart


ace The ACE external package is used to catalog objects in images and manipulate the catalogs.
apmcat APMCAT gets data from the APM catalogues server.
finder IRAF catalog search tools
gax A user-friendly tool to search, sort, and report galaxy information
gsc-north HST Guide Star Catalog - northern sky
gsc-south HST Guide Star Catalog - southern sky
xephem Xephem-lite --- a sampler of the interactive astronomy program


consky computes telescope times for sky observation projects.
eis IRAF Tools for ESO imaging survey data
eSTAR The eScience Telescopes for Astronomical Research (eSTAR) Project is a programme to build a prototype robotic telescope network
hipparcos process Hipparcos transit data from CD-ROM
mscred IRAF Tools for Mosaic image processing
skymaker A program that simulates astronomical images.
stuff SkyStuff is a program that generates artificial but realistic catalog of astronomical sources
wcstools display and manipulate the world coordinate system of a FITS or IRAF images
ftools - ecd2phaConverts Einstein PHA dataset in the format on the HEASARC CD-ROM
xray - xspatial eintools - be_ds_rotate rotate IPC bright Earth and deep survey maps using BKFAC table



ascfit Automatic Stellar Coordinate fitting
eye Eye stands for ``Enhance your Extraction'': a software for training SExtractor's retina
hipparcos process Hipparcos transit data from CD-ROM
mscred IRAF Tools for Mosaic image processing
novas Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Subroutines
skymaker A program that simulates astronomical images.
starfinder Stellar field analysis
swarp SWarp is a program that resamples and co-adds together FITS images using any arbitrary astrometric projection defined in the WCS standard.
wcstools display and manipulate the world coordinate system of a FITS or IRAF images
weightwatcher WeightWatcher is a program that combines weight-maps, flag-maps and polygon data
xephem Xephem-lite --- a sampler of the interactive astronomy program


novas Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Subroutines
xephem Xephem-lite --- a sampler of the interactive astronomy program


xephem Xephem-lite --- a sampler of the interactive astronomy program

reference systems

novas Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Subroutines
swarp SWarp is a program that resamples and co-adds together FITS images using any arbitrary astrometric projection defined in the WCS standard.
wcstools display and manipulate the world coordinate system of a FITS or IRAF images


novas Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Subroutines


Sun: atmosphere

CHIANTI A Database for Astrophysical Emission Line Spectroscopy

Sun: general

grasp - ephem - epheminterp -- Interpolate ephemeris tables to the date/time of observation.
grasp - ephem - velfit -- Fits the average solar observer motion to the ephemeris velocity.
grasp - ephem - vfit -- Fits the average solar observer motion to the ephemeris velocity.

Sun: helioseismology

grasp - grtools - freq -- Estimate the frequency of a mode given n, l and m.
grasp - grtools - gapfill -- Fill gaps in GONG time series via autoregressive interpolation.
grasp - grtools - guesspar -- Estimate frequency, FWHM and amplitude of a mode given n, l and m.
grasp - grtools - lnudiagram -- Produce l-nu diagrams from Power-Spectra or Time Series
grasp - grtools - mfit -- Antia's a-coefficient fitting (Legendre and Clebsch-Gordon).

Sun: interior

grasp - grtools - freq -- Estimate the frequency of a mode given n, l and m.
grasp - grtools - gapfill -- Fill gaps in GONG time series via autoregressive interpolation.
grasp - grtools - guesspar -- Estimate frequency, FWHM and amplitude of a mode given n, l and m.
grasp - grtools - lnudiagram -- Produce l-nu diagrams from Power-Spectra or Time Series
grasp - grtools - mfit -- Antia's a-coefficient fitting (Legendre and Clebsch-Gordon).

Sun: oscillations

grasp - velcal - wlmcor -- vector subtraction of wide-band correction image from oscillation image

Sun: rotation

grasp - grtools - legfit - legsing -- Legendre analysis of rotation, individual radial orders.
grasp - grtools - legfit - legsvd -- Legendre rotation analysis using singular value decomp.

Sun: X-rays, gamma rays

ftools - - ao -- Evaluates the geometrical variation of the scattered solar X-ray background


solar system: general

openuniverse Solar system simulation


stars: abundances

spectrum A stellar spectral synthesis program

stars: atmospheres

CHIANTI A Database for Astrophysical Emission Line Spectroscopy
spectrum A stellar spectral synthesis program

(stars:) binaries: eclipsing

nightfall Light Curve Synthesis Program

(stars:) binaries: spectroscopic

aspec An Astronomical Spectrum Analysis Package
velocity program to fit an orbital solution to measured radial velocity curves of spectroscopic binary stars

(stars:) circumstellar matter

csenv A code for the chemistry of CircumStellar ENVelopes

stars: distances

ascfit Automatic Stellar Coordinate fitting

stars: dwarf novae

autophot Autophot uses IRAF's digiphot daophot routines, it automates the procedure a bit.

stars: emission-line, Be

aspec An Astronomical Spectrum Analysis Package
cora line fitting tool designed for emission line spectra with low count numbers

stars: flare

autophot Autophot uses IRAF's digiphot daophot routines, it automates the procedure a bit.

stars: fundamental parameters (classification, colors, luminosities, masses, radii, temperatures, etc.)

spectrum A stellar spectral synthesis program

stars: kinematics

nemo NEMO is a Stellar Dynamics Toolbox
starlab A package for simulating the evolution of dense stellar systems

(stars:) novae, cataclysmic variables

aspec An Astronomical Spectrum Analysis Package

stars: oscillations (including pulsations)

aspec An Astronomical Spectrum Analysis Package
nightfall Light Curve Synthesis Program

stars: spots

autophot Autophot uses IRAF's digiphot daophot routines, it automates the procedure a bit.

stars: statistics

eye Eye stands for ``Enhance your Extraction'': a software for training SExtractor's retina

(stars:) supernovae: general

autophot Autophot uses IRAF's digiphot daophot routines, it automates the procedure a bit.

(stars: variables:) Cepheids

autophot Autophot uses IRAF's digiphot daophot routines, it automates the procedure a bit.

stars: variables: other

autophot Autophot uses IRAF's digiphot daophot routines, it automates the procedure a bit.
nightfall Light Curve Synthesis Program
xvarstar XVarStar is a program written for variable star observers


ISM: abundances

cloudy Stellar Atmospheres

ISM: atoms

cloudy Stellar Atmospheres

(ISM:) dust, extinction

ddscat DDSCAT is a FORTRAN program to calculate scattering and absorption of electromagnetic radiation by arbitrary targets

(ISM:) HII regions


ISM: lines and bands

aspec An Astronomical Spectrum Analysis Package
cora line fitting tool designed for emission line spectra with low count numbers

ISM: molecules

csenv A code for the chemistry of CircumStellar ENVelopes


Galaxy: formation

cmbfast A microwave anisotropy code


galaxies: clusters: general

eye Eye stands for ``Enhance your Extraction'': a software for training SExtractor's retina

galaxies: distances and redshifts

hyperz a photometric redshift code

galaxies: fundamental parameters (classification, colors, luminosities, masses, radii, etc.)

eye Eye stands for ``Enhance your Extraction'': a software for training SExtractor's retina
gax A user-friendly tool to search, sort, and report galaxy information
ifocas IRAF Tools Faint Object Classification

galaxies: high-redshift

hyperz a photometric redshift code

galaxies: photometry

autophot Autophot uses IRAF's digiphot daophot routines, it automates the procedure a bit.
eye Eye stands for Enhance your Extraction : a software for training SExtractor's retina
hyperz a photometric redshift code
sextractor Source Extractor, locates astronomical objects in images

(galaxies:) quasars: absorption lines

aspec An Astronomical Spectrum Analysis Package
skymaker A program that simulates astronomical images.

(galaxies:) quasars: emission lines

aspec An Astronomical Spectrum Analysis Package
cora line fitting tool designed for emission line spectra with low count numbers
hyperz a photometric redshift code

galaxies: structure

cosmics Cosmological Initial Conditions and Microwave Anisotropy Codes


(cosmology:) cosmic microwave background

cmbfast A microwave anisotropy code
cosmics Cosmological Initial Conditions and Microwave Anisotropy Codes

(cosmology:) cosmological parameters

cosmics Cosmological Initial Conditions and Microwave Anisotropy Codes
mlapm a C code for cosmological simulations

cosmology: theory

mlapm a C code for cosmological simulations

(cosmology:) dark matter

cosmics Cosmological Initial Conditions and Microwave Anisotropy Codes

(cosmology:) early universe

cmbfast A microwave anisotropy code

(cosmology:) large-scale structure of universe

cosmics Cosmological Initial Conditions and Microwave Anisotropy Codes
mlapm a C code for cosmological simulations


infrared: general


infrared: ISM

aspec An Astronomical Spectrum Analysis Package

radio continuum: general

aips Radio Astronomy data processing package
bima-miriad Miriad is a a synthesis radio-astronomy data reduction, imaging and analysis package
drao Export package for processing DRAO telescope data

radio lines: general

aips Radio Astronomy data processing package
bima-miriad Miriad is a a synthesis radio-astronomy data reduction, imaging and analysis package
drao Export package for processing DRAO telescope data


cmbfast A microwave anisotropy code

ultraviolet: general

euv IRAF Tools for EUV data reduction

X-rays: bursts

ftools - - bodgetvp -- Gets viewing period info from BATSE occultation data.

X-rays: diffuse background

ftools - - ao -- Evaluates the geometrical variation of the scattered solar X-ray background

X-rays: general

xrayMulti-mission x-ray analysis software system
ftools - - bemerge -- merges XTE binned event spectral files.
ftools - - cmadead (sep98) --- ftools.cmadead --- CMADEAD (sep98) cmadead -- corrects EXOSAT CMA lightcurves and images for deadtime
ftools - - decodeevt -- Decodes event keywords in XTE Science Event files
ftools - - dyenspec -- Generates a dynamic energy spectrum from XTE Standard2
ftools - - fxbary -- reads XTE light-curve, science array, or science event
ftools - - hrifilt -- Creates a ROSAT HRI makefilter file
xray - xspatial - qpsim -- Generate simulated events for a ROSAT HRI field.
xray - xspatial - rosat_files -- description of ROSAT data files which can be input to PROS.
xray - xdataio - rarc2pros -- convert ROSAT ARCHIVE FITS files into a set of IRAF/PROS files
xray - xdataio - rfits2pros -- convert a set of (disk-resident) ROSAT FITS files
xray - xdataio - upimgrdf -- convert a list of IRAF/PROS IMAGE files into RDF compatible format
xray - xdataio - upqpoerdf -- convert a list of IRAF/PROS QPOE file into RDF compatible format