
XSIL means eXtensible Scientific Interchange Language.

Version : 1.0
Author(s) : Roy Williams, Caltech, roy@caltech.edu
License : GPL
Website : http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/XSIL/

Installs from Open Source Astronomy for Win32/Cygwin cd 1
Disk space required for installation is 9.09 Mb

The following printable documents will be installed :


XSIL means eXtensible Scientific Interchange Language.

How to run the code:

(1) First unpack the distribution, then set the environment. -- Make sure the JAVA_HOME is correct in the and setup.bat (Windows) or setup.source (Unix) script. This is NOT the location of the executable "java", but the place where the /bin and /lib directories. The "java" executable should be in $JAVA_HOME/bin/java.

-- Make sure the WEB_BROWSER location is correct in the setup.bat (Windows) or setup.source (Unix) script.

(2) For Unix users, % source setup.source % Xlook.sh samples/all.xml

(3) For Windows users, tart a command window, then run the setup, then the batch file Xlook.bat: c: setup c: xlook samples\all.xml