Yale Observatory iMAge Manipulation Application

Version : 1.4
Author(s) : David Goldberg (goldberg@astro.yale.edu)
License : Free
Website : http://www.astro.yale.edu/yomama/

Installs from Open Source Astronomy for Win32/Cygwin cd 3
Disk space required for installation is 160.33 Kb

This package requires Java installation


Welcome to the wonderful world of the Yale Observatory iMAge Manipulation Application, the only tool of its kind which does not require any sort of advanced scripting knowledge for its use!

Currently, it reads 2 dimensional standard fits files, allows for flat-fielding, dark subtraction, linear and logarithmic scaling of images, arbitrary RGB color scales, combining color images (though, due to security restrictions on Java, the combined images can only be saved in application, not applet form), saving images in progress to a buffer, aperture photometry, centroiding and calculation of radial profiles.