
OrbitViewer is an interactive applet that displays the orbit of small bodies (comets or asteroids) in the solar system in 3D

Version : 1.3
Author(s) : Osamu Ajiki, Ron Baalke
License : GPL
Website : http://www.astroarts.com/products/orbitviewer

Installs from Open Source Astronomy for Win32/Cygwin cd 1
Disk space required for installation is 221.00 Kb

This package requires Java installation

After the package is installed it can be accessed using the command





OrbitViewer is an interactive applet that displays the orbit of small bodies (comets or asteroids) in the solar system in 3D. The orbit may be played forwards or backwards like a movie.

History: This applet was created by Osamu Ajiki (AstroArts Inc.) in 1996. It was further modified by Ron Baalke (NASA/JPL) in 2000-2001.