
IRAF Tools for CTIO telescope data

Version : 4
Author(s) : Frank Valdes (fvaldes@noao.edu)
License : AURA
Website : http://iraf.noao.edu

Installs from Open Source Astronomy for Mac OS X cd 2
Disk space required for installation is 5.45 Mb


ctio.amplot - Plot critical airmass versus UT ctio.apropos - List all the tasks related with a given subject ctio.bin2iraf - Convert binary files into IRAF images ctio.bitstat - Perform bit statistics of image frames ctio.chpixfile - Change pixel file name in image headers ctio.colselect - Extract selected columns from a list. ctio.compairmass - Compute air mass ctio.compression.fitsread - Create an IRAF image from a compressed FITS file. ctio.compression.fitswrite - Create a compressed FITS file from an IRAF image. ctio.compression.imcompress - Compress IRAF image pixel file ctio.compression.imuncompress - Uncompress IRAF image pixel files ctio.coords - Compute celestial coordinates ctio.cureval - Evaluate the fit computed by curfit. ctio.dfits - display FITS file headers ctio.eqwidths - Equivalent widths ctio.ezimtool - Call IRAF tasks interactivelly from image cursor mode ctio.fabry.avgvel - determine velocity by averaging pixels ctio.fabry.findsky - determine the sky levels at each band of an image cube ctio.fabry.fitring - compute the dispersion solution using the ring parameters ctio.fabry.fpspec - Plot pixel value for a set of images ctio.fabry.icntr - determine centers for a star in a set of images ctio.fabry.icur - get image cursor coordinates ctio.fabry.intvel - determine velocity by averaging pixels interactively ctio.fabry.mkcube - combine a group of 2D images into an image cube ctio.fabry.mkshift - generate a script file to shift many images to a reference image ctio.fabry.normalize - add normalization factors to the cube image header ctio.fabry.ringpars - determine the parameters of the calibration rings ctio.fabry.velocity - construct velocity maps from the fabry-perot image cube ctio.fabry.zeropt - determine the zero point in wavelength for each band in the cube ctio.fft1d - One dimensional Fast Fourier Transform ctio.filecalc - File calculator ctio.findfiles - Find files ctio.fitrad - Fit a function to circular image subrasters ctio.fixtail - Fix last image lines or columns. ctio.focus - Compute telescope focus ctio.gki2cad - Convert GKI metacode files into autoCAD DXF files ctio.gkitocad - Convert GKI metacode files into autoCAD DXF files ctio.growthcurve - Correct magnitudes using the growth curve for them ctio.imcreate - Create an image. ctio.imextract - Extract a list of image sections from an image ctio.immatch - Match one or two dimensional images ctio.imsort - Sort images by header parameter values ctio.imspace - determine disk space used by IRAF images. ctio.imtest - test image headers an pixel files ctio.iraf2bin - Convert IRAF images into binary files ctio.irlincor - Correct IR imager frames for non-linearity. ctio.irproc - Sky substract, transpose, and mosaic IR imager frames ctio.lambda - Print pixel values and wavelengths ctio.magavg - Average output from magband for a single object ctio.magband - Compute the average magnitude for a list of bandpasses ctio.mapkeyword - Replace image header keyword values with other values. ctio.midut - Compute UT for midpoint of observation ctio.mjoin - Join lines in text files by matching them ctio.mkapropos - make the apropos database ctio.pixselect - List pixel values within a certain range ctio.spcombine - Combine spectra interactively ctio.sphot - star photometry ctio.statspec - Compute statistical error spectra from object and sky spectra. ctio.wairmass - Compute weighted airmass