
Perl module that provides an object-orientated interface to

Version : 0.1.2
Author(s) : Stephen Quinney (
License : GPL
Website :

Installs from Open Source Astronomy for Linux cd 2
Disk space required for installation is 19.70 Kb

This package requires prior installation of iraf


This is a Perl module that provides an object-orientated interface to the IRAF CL interactive session, it is built on top of the Perl Expect module. You can script almost anything through this module that you can do in a normal interactive CL session.

This module provides several improved, and more Perl-like, interfaces to various IRAF systems, such as session variables, the management of loading/unloading IRAF packages and the session history. It also provides the ability to specify maximum run times for commands, and the clean handling of these time outs and other types of errors and exceptions. All functions are called in an object-orientated fashion allowing several concurrent interpreter sessions if desired.