Biotechnology resources on the Internet

  • Linux software index - science
  • Scientific Applications for Linux - Chemistry, Biology and related
  • abacus - Analysis of Blake's Conje cture Using Simulations
  • alfresco - Comparitive sequence a nalysis
  • artemis - DNA sequ ence viewer and annotation tool
  • beta - Estimation of alpha - Non parametric linkage analysis
  • biomail - web-based applicatio n for medical researchers and biologists.
  • bioperl - perl tools for Molecular biolo gy
  • biopython - Python tools for Molec ular biology
  • codonW- A package for codon usage a nalysis.
  • DEODAS - DEgenerate Oligonucleo tide Design & Analysis System
  • DomainFinder - An interactive program for the determination and characterization of dynamical doma ins in proteins.
  • dx - Data Explorer, visualisation pack age
  • e-PCR - Sequence mapping by Electron ic PRC
  • EdIt - An automatic ed itor for DNA sequence data
  • efetch - Retrieve entries from sequen ce databases
  • EMBOSS - EMB Open S ource Software
  • ESPript - Creates postrcipt sequence rende rings
  • fastlink - Genetic linkage comput ations
  • garlic - Molecular visualizati on
  • GenoCheck - A method for detecting errors in pedigree data
  • genpak - Utilit ies to manipulate DNA sequences
  • gmaes - Evolution simulations
  • gperiodic - Periodic table
  • gibbs - Calculation of Probabili ties for Diallelic Traits on Complex Pedigrees
  • hmmer - Biological sequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models
  • ImageJ - Java Image viewer
  • jalview - a java mul tiple alignment editor
  • jmol - an open-source molecu le viewer and editor
  • kmol - Molecular weight c alculator
  • lintre - Phylogenetic tests of the m olecular clock and linearized tree
  • melting - ne arest-neighbor computation of nucleic acid hybridation
  • MIRA - DNA shotgun seq uence data assembler
  • mmlib - A C++ macro molecular class library
  • mmtool - A macromol ecular visualisation tool
  • pdbtool - A macromol ecular visualisation tool
  • moldy - a general-purpose mole cular dynamics simulation program
  • ncbi-tools - NCBI Software Developmen t Toolkit was developed for the production and distribution of GenBank, Entrez, BLAST, and related services by NCBI.
  • Blastall - NHGR I Blastall (a perl interface)
  • njbafd - Neighbor-joining tree co nstruction from allele frequency data
  • njbtie - search all tie neighbor-joinin g trees and UPGMA trees and for bootstrapping
  • oligomap - OLIGOMAP is a tool to help r esearchers engineer restriction sites into oligonucleotides by silent mutagenesi s
  • orfind - orfind is a command li ne version of ORF Finder
  • pdb2cif - convert PDB to CIF format
  • pftools - pftools is a collection o f experimental programs supporting the generalized profile format and search met hod of PROSITE and NUCSITE.
  • pima - Pattern-Induced Multi-sequence Alig nment program
  • pseudoknots - An extension of the Zuker M FOLD algorithm to optimal minimum energy prediction of pseudoknotted RNA structures
  • plato - Partial likelihoods expre ssed through optimisation
  • pr imer3 - Primer3 picks primers for PCR reactions
  • PSPP - Statistical analysis package.
  • puzzle - Maximum likel ihood analysis for nucleotide, amino acid, and two-state data
  • PSeq-Gen - An application for the Monte Carlo simulation of protein sequence evolution along phylogenetic trees
  • QDate - Estimates date of diverge nce using data for sequence parirs
  • QuickPDB - Java Applet to view Protein Da ta Bank
  • rhmapper - A pa ckage for creating radiation hybrid maps
  • rnabob - searches for RNA motifs in sequence databases
  • SampLin - Data A cquisition package
  • RasMol2 - molecular graphic s program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small mo lecules.
  • PVM - Parallel Virtual Machine
  • PyMOL - molecular graphics program desi gned for rapid and efficient generation of high-quality molecular graphics anima tions.
  • seals - System for Easy Analysis of Lots of Sequences
  • sendbs - Average nucleotide diversity w ithin and between populations
  • sequin - Program to aid s ubmission of sequences to GenBank, EMBL and DDJB
  • seqsplit - Programs for running blastx on very long queries
  • sibs - Sib Pair Analysis
  • simPCR - check an sfind file from GCG f or sequences that have homology to 2 opposite primers.
  • sog - algorithm to find the most parsimo neous nucleotide phylogenetic tree
  • TipDate - A program to estimate t he rate of molecular evolution and time-scale of a phylogeny from dated sequence s.
  • tRNAscan - a program for improv ed detection of transfer RNA genes in genomic sequence
  • treevolve - a program to simulate the evolution of DNA sequences under different population dynamic scenarios
  • vanilla - command lin e programs (written in Java) to provide simple access to the functionality of PA L
  • vaspview - scientific visuali zation package for examining output files generated by the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package
  • w2h - WWW interface to the GCG Sequence Analysis Software Package
  • wise - DNA and protein sequ ence comparison package