XEphem Version 3.5.2 Copyright (c) 2002 by Elwood Charles Downey Permission is granted to run XEphem for your personal non-profit and non- commercial purposes only. You may modify the source code for your personal use but you may not distribute your changes. You may not use any portion of the source code (modified or not) in any other programs. Contact the author if you would like to use any or all of XEphem for any other purpose. Furthermore: THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- ITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAM- AGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TOR- TIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.